About Us

About Us

Churches Together in Ashford (CTA) is a network of Christian churches drawn from a variety of denominations and independent fellowships. We have a simple Constitution and Membership Registration, as well as a Core Team who facilitate our work. CTA is part of Churches Together in England and is always looking to welcome new members!

Scroll down for more information about who we are and what we believe, or if you have a specific question, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.


Building relationships with Churches and Church Leaders

Gathering for Worship & Prayer

Serving together through practical action, to make our town the best it can be

Building Relationships

There are many churches in Ashford, each one unique and distinctive.  And yet in the goodness of God we also belong together as the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5). CTA aims to foster and develop strong relationships through a monthly church leaders’ fellowship; joint services of praise and prayer; twice-yearly forums for sharing news and exploring further initiatives; and practical service in our town.  In doing these things, there is much to celebrate, learn and be encouraged by.

Building Relationships

There are many churches in Ashford, each one unique and distinctive.  And yet in the goodness of God we also belong together as the Body of Christ (Romans 12:5). CTA aims to foster and develop strong relationships through a monthly church leaders’ fellowship; joint services of praise and prayer; twice-yearly forums for sharing news and exploring further initiatives; and practical service in our town.  In doing these things, there is much to celebrate, learn and be encouraged by.


We currently get together a couple of times a year for worship – Praise and Prayer at the end of January (during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity), and this year on Pentecost Sunday. And again on Easter Sunday for our sunrise service, 7.00am on the Wye Downs.  The town centre churches have also recently begun hosting an open-air service on Good Friday for everyone.


We currently get together a couple of times a year for worship – Praise and Prayer at the end of January (during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity), and this year on Pentecost Sunday. And again on Easter Sunday for our sunrise service, 7.00am on the Wye Downs.  The town centre churches have also recently begun hosting an open-air service on Good Friday for everyone.

Practical Action

Although a lot of the practical service to the Ashford community takes place from our individual churches, some activities are best done by working together.  Street Pastors, Family, Food & Fun,  support for refugees and asylum-seekers, and the newly-launched Chaplaincy at the Designer Outlet are some current examples.  We always want to respond to the needs around us by combining our resources, skills and experience as God’s people.

Practical Action

Although a lot of the practical service to the Ashford community takes place from our individual churches, some activities are best done by working together.  Street Pastors, Family, Food & Fun,  support for refugees and asylum-seekers, and the newly-launched Chaplaincy at the Designer Outlet are some current examples.  We always want to respond to the needs around us by combining our resources, skills and experience as God’s people.



Churches Together in Ashford is in association with Churches Together in England

Find out more about joining Churches Together in Ashford

If you are a church in Ashford and you're interested in being part of Churches Together in Ashford, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch today!

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Election Hustings


Wednesday 26th June 7-9pm

St Mary the Virgin Church, The Churchyard, Ashford, TN23 1QG 

We are inviting members of the public to send in their questions here. Deadline (24th June 5pm)




Find out more about joining Churches Together in Ashford

If you are a church in Ashford and you're interested in being part of Churches Together in Ashford, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch today!

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